Dentistry For Older Teeth
As we get older, the condition of our oral health is even more important. Although there are changes in the mouth as the body ages, losing your teeth does not have to be one of them. Teeth can generally be kept for a lifetime, given proper care.
Drinking tap water can be beneficial for the teeth regardless of your age; most municipal water is fluoridated and will help to prevent tooth decay.
If you have Diabetes, tooth decay can be more common than usual. Getting regular cleanings at the dentist is recommended to help identify and stop gum and tooth problems. Diabetes and oral health also connect in that treating gum disease can improve the management of blood sugar levels, but Diabetes also means a lower resistance to infection and increased healing times for the mouth.
If you have lost your teeth, cleaning your dentures every day is a must for a healthy mouth. Washing dentures removes food from them in the same manner as it does for natural teeth. Brushing your gums lightly with a soft brush before inserting your dentures is good for increased circulation and removing plaque from surfaces in your mouth.
Proper diet can be a major contributing factor to keeping your teeth as you age. Minerals and vitamins from fruits and vegetables are important as well as drinking lots of water. Snacking throughout the day can reduce the effectiveness of your saliva and lead to tooth decay. Getting older can mean gums might recede, and teeth can become yellowed or discolored (brown) with age. Whitening procedures, as well as gum and mouth restoration, can help combat those aspects of an older mouth.
To schedule an appointment or get information about your tooth and gum health, call Dr. Jeffrey L. Cohen at (626) 967-6453.