Full Mouth Implants: What They Are, The Implant Process, And Their Application

Full Mouth Implants: What They Are, The Implant Process, And Their Application

Jul 07, 2021

Your pearly whites are designed to serve you for a lifetime. However, due to tooth decay, gum disease or even accidents, many people may not have the privilege of enjoying their natural pearly whites for a lifetime.

A perfect smile is a major confidence booster. For this reason, our dentist has dental implants near you to help return your smile to its glory days. Cosmetic dental implants are a practical and permanent tooth replacement option.

No other replacement option beats having dental implants since they are versatile, sturdy, and they come the closest to your natural teeth.

It’s All About the Roots

Dental implants have been around for over six decades. However, they are better than ever. Almost any smile can be revamped using dental implants near you. Our dentist near you will advocate for you to use dental implants near you for one major reason, stability.

The other options may come close, but they haven’t resolved the issue of stability. If you have heard a thing or two about dental implants, you know that they are surgically placed in your jawbone to replace your tooth roots.

On the other hand, you have dentures, which keep on shifting or dental bridges that require your natural teeth for anchorage. However, since dental implants are versatile, you can choose whichever dental prosthetic you prefer to cover the dental implant.

With dental implants, you can replace your whole tooth, from the root to the crown. For dental implants to do their job, they are made of three distinct parts:

  • Implant. This is the titanium rod, surgically placed in your jawbone to act as the tooth root.
  • Abutment. This is the link between the implant and the dental prosthetic.
  • Dental prosthesis. The prosthesis is what replaces the visible part of the tooth.

The Tooth Implant Process

Almost anyone can undergo implant surgery. However, our dentist has to ascertain whether you are healthy enough to consider undergoing the procedure. Therefore, our dentist in Covina will check the following:

  • Bone health – To ascertain that you have enough healthy bone to accommodate the implant and hold it in place.
  • Age – The procedure isn’t age restricting, but children and teenagers aren’t the ideal candidates since their bones are still developing.
  • Gum health – Since unhealthy gums will not heal as expected and may lead to an infection.
  • Overall health – Since there are diseases that can hinder the bone healing process, such as diabetes.

After our dentist has made sure that you are eligible to undergo the tooth implant process, the following will happen:

Initial Examination

Our dentist will commence the procedure by carrying out an oral exam. Utilizing the imaging technology, our dentist will image your mouth, ears, jaw, throat, and neck.

The 3D image created will help our dentist better look at your oral cavity to ascertain the best course of action.


The tooth implant surgery is carried out in several stages:

  • Tooth extraction will be carried out if the damaged tooth is still intact.
  • Then, your jawbone will be prepped, meaning that procedures such as sinus lifts and bone grafting will be done if our dentist deems them necessary.
  • If you have to undergo any of the above procedures, you will go home and wait until you have healed.
  • After healing, you will come back, and our dentist will continue with the tooth implant process and insert the implant into your jawbone.
  • Again, you will be given a few months to heal so that osseointegration can take place (the process of the titanium fusing with your bone).
  • After healing, the abutment and the tooth prosthesis will be placed.

After several months, you will have a brand-new smile. With proper care, dental implants will serve you for a long time.

Application of Dental Implants

Regardless of how long it takes for you to get your tooth replaced, getting a cosmetic dental implant is worth the wait. They offer stability, durability and they look and function just like your natural pearly whites.

Therefore, if you have implants in place, you can replace the visible part of the tooth using:

  • Implant-supported bridges. These are upgrades of traditional bridges since they are attached to dental implants instead of your natural teeth.
  • Implant-supported dentures. These dentures are attached to implants instead of using adhesives.

For dental implants near you, contact us at Jeffrey L. Cohen DDS to schedule an appointment.

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